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☕ Daily Standups

You'll often greet your workday with a standup meeting. This is a meeting where you and your team members share what you've accomplished since the last standup meeting, what you plan to work on next, and any blockers you're facing.

To stay on track on a daily basis, it can be very helpful to organize yourself before, during, and after this meeting.

🏁 Before the Standup

Try to write down the following before your standup meeting:

  • 🎉 What you've accomplished since the last standup meeting
  • 🛠 What you plan to continue working on or work on next
  • ❌ "Blockers" you are facing, which are things that stop you from continuing work on a task or project
  • ❓ Questions you have for any team member (or in general) that you couldn't get answered over your team communication platform

🏎 During the Standup

When it's your turn, cover the points you wrote down without going into too much extensive detail (as you should put any extra details in your notes or kanban board). Ask to setup a meeting with any team member you have questions for if you can't get them answered during the standup or if what you're working on requires more discussion and doesn't need the entire team's attention.

Also make sure to write down any new tasks or to-dos assigned to you during the standup. 📃

🏆 After the Standup

Review what you've written down and make sure you've answered all your questions and resolved any blockers. If you haven't, make sure to follow up with the appropriate team members. If you use a kanban board or any tracker for your tasks and projects, add any new tasks assigned to you to your board and update any notes or progress you've made on your tasks.

Now you have a good idea of what you need to do for the day. Get to work! 💼

🧩 Daily Standup Notes Template

Here's a Markdown template you can use daily to keep track of your standup notes:

# 📅 [Date] Daily Standup

## 🎉 Accomplished

> What tasks you've completed or goals you've accomplished or made progress on.


## 🛠 Working On

> What you are currently working on or plan to start working on and how much progress you expect to make. Also when you complete or make progress on your tasks, write down what you've done for tomorrow's Accomplished section.


## ❌ Blockers

> Problems you're facing that stop you from continuing work.


## ❓ Questions

> Any specific questions you have for any team member or in general. Make sure you write down the answers when you get them too.


## 📃 Todo

> Any new tasks assigned, meetings to setup, etc. that you may also add to your kanban board.

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Personally I like to use Obsidian to keep track of my daily standup notes (especially with its Daily Notes plugin), but you can use any note-taking app you like. Note that with Obsidian you may need to purchase a commercial use license in order to use Obsidian as your program. Another option is to use Visual Studio Code.